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Rumayswaa Umm Sulaym Al-Answaariyah (Mother Of Anas Bin Maalik)


Rumayswaa Umm Sulaym Al-Answaariyah (Mother of Anas Bin Maalik)


From the Book of: Sayyidaatu ​​Mubashiraati bil-Jannah (Women Predicted to Demons)


Author: Muhammad Jabliyy


Translator: Daughter Ahmadah




 My son said : And who is the one to whom the demon has been prophesied, O father? 



I said: Surely he is Umm Sulaym al-Answaariyah my son. His father is Milhaani the son of Khaalid one of the Answaari in the Khazraji tribe. And his mother is named Malika the son of Maalik.


Her husband is called Maalik the son of Nadhar, and they had their children by the names of Anas and Baraa who were his Companions Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).


He said: O father tell me a story about the Islam of Umm Sulaym and what was his name? 



I said: His name was Rumayswaa or Ghumayswaa. He converted to Islam after the embassy of the Prophet of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) traveled to Madiynah, to teach his people Islam, to give them insight into Diyn and to recite to them the Qur'aan. They then joined the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and the Answaar women. Her conversion to Islam was fulfilled when her husband (Malik) traveled in his business. When he returned from his journey, he learned about Umm Sulaym's Islam and attacked him.


Her husband said, "What have you done?"


He retorted about it with his words: No, but I believe.


He used to play with the child Anas, pronouncing him two degrees while telling him to say: O Anas say: Ash-hadu ann laa ilaaha Illa Allaah.


Anas used to recite it: Ash-hadu alaa ilaaha Illa Allaah.


And the mother of one said to Anas, say: Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasuwlu-Allaah.


Anas also imitated him by saying:


Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasuwulu-Allaah.


Until it settled down well.


All the while her husband was listening to Umm Sulaym saying those words to his son.


Her husband said to Umm Sulaym while staring at her angrily: Do not humiliate my son over me.


Umm Sulaym repeated the statement with these words: I am not corrupt.


Islam was the cause of the quarrel that arose between them. Until one day he left Maalik on his journey with a quarrel in his heart. Death came to him by death.


At dawn Umm Sulaym became a ghost, and continued to raise Anas while saying: I will not leave her until she leaves her nipples to herself, and I will not marry her until she orders Anas.


Anas began to grow bigger and went to Umm Sulaym to take Anas to the Prophet of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam). He asked her to pray for Anas. At the same time asking Nabiy to make his son his servant.


He confronted the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and prayed for Anas to Allaah to increase his wealth and children. And he dawned on him that he was one of the richest Madiynahs. He found Anas children and gave them to his mother many grandchildren. This was the blessing of the supplication of the Prophet of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).


He said: What happened to Umm Sulaym, father?


I said: 'Umm Sulaym was a virtuous woman, and to her she also had the intellect and the virtues of virtue for what she was endowed with. She was the mainstay of many people, noble Answaar women and men after the death of her husband.


Mr. Zayyid bin Sahli came from a tribe of carpenters (carpenters), given the nickname of Abu Talha. When he realized that Umm Sulaym was in the throes of widowhood (he has no husband), he hastened not to be preceded by one of the creditors.


In fact Abu Talha saw that he would not be rejected as he was rich in riches that could precede him from yellow or white - gold and silver. What a person needs through Abu Talha can get it as he asks for it. He came to Umm Sulaym without thinking in his mind and reprimanded him for his weakness. For Abu Talha was a good decorator and a good traveler who knew the architecture of things.


He emphasized Abu Talha's intention to marry Umm Sulaym. He went out again to the house of Umm Sulaym, knocked and was welcomed through his son Umm Sulaym (Anas). He allowed her to enter when he made it clear to Abu Talha his intention to marry her.


Said Umm Sulaym: Do you think the example of a person like yours is being restored O Abu Talha? But for you there is one thing that keeps me from marrying you. And do you think Abu Talha that he has remained above you the last debtor and has placed upon you a great dowry that he will not be able to give or multiply upon you?


Abu Talha said: O Umm Sulaym, verily I am a man who owned a lot of wealth, and I will make your swadaqah (ie your dowry) from gold and silver, and others will fail to precede the example of that wealth.


Umm Sulaym smiled, that Abu Talha's thoughts might have led him into business, but it was contrary to what Abu Talha thought. Except what prevented him from accepting this was contrary to Abu Talha's property.


Said Talha: What do you have? I will give you whatever was necessary without sacrificing it for any value.


Umm Sulaym said: O Abu Talha, surely you are a polytheist, and I am a Muslim woman, it is not permissible to be together in such an example.


Then he went on with his words: Do you not know, O Abu Talha whom you have, whom you worship, and you worship in opposition to Allaah who created you?


Abu Talha said: No.


Umm Sulaym said: Do you not see wrong, O Abu Talha, that the trunk of a tree has become your ilaah (worshiper)? On the contrary, they make flour out of it or make wood for cooking food or burning it on cold days.


Finally Abu Talha penetrated into his heart the words of Umm Sulaym despite its difficulties and they point to the truth. Nor do they return to the path of righteousness.


Then Abu Talha said: And what dowry do you approve of, O Umm Sulaym?


He said: If you become a Muslim I will agree to marry you as opposed to gold or silver.


He turned to Abu Talha for the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to introduce Islam between his hands.



It was a wonderful marriage and the Answaar women said: We did not recognize a greater dowry than Abu Talha's dowry to Umm Sulaym. In fact, his dowry was Islam.


Right! It was certainly a grace in that marriage. As long as it is built on a solid foundation. And is there anything more important than Islam to be the foundation of a strong and noble marriage?


Surely Islam is a helper and a fountain of all things. Do not think that this Diyn is right only for your children, but it is glorious for all as it is chosen. And what's so strange about that? Verily Allaah has said (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala):   


 الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِي وَرَضِيتُ لَكُمُ الْ إس

Today I have perfected your religion for you, and I have perfected My favor for you, and I have made Islam your religion . [Al-Maa'idah (5: 3)]


He said: Do you not tell me about something better for Umm Sulaym, father?


I said: No, my son. He was the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and did not enter the house of one of the spouses except for Umm Sulaym. The Prophet was asked about it. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) replied:


((Verily I have mercy on him, he has killed his brother with me.))  [Received by Muslim: 04, 2455]


Also from the narration of Anas from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) he said:  ((He entered Jannah and heard a voice - What is the voice - he said - Who is this? of Anas bin Maalik.))  [Received by Muslim: 105, 2456]


And Umm Sulaym has attained excellence, and these blessings have also befallen Abu Talha through this blessed marriage of Bibi Ghumayswaa's mother Anas (Radhwiya Allaahu 'Anhum).




He said: "Do you not tell me, O father, that Umm Sulaym was a very intelligent man who had prepared him for his goodness and anxieties and his architectural plans, and what is the sign that led you to praise him for that, O father?"



I said: I swear by Allaah, surely it also adorned the mind of Umm Sulaym with wisdom in alleviating (khayr) his anxieties and putting away his shame and shortcomings. And these examples are sufficient for you in his wisdom for what has happened to him.



He said: And how did he use his wisdom and guidance to make things right?



I said: Abu Talha had a little child who loved him in his soul more than anything. And it was Umm Sulaym raising and caring for him. One day Abu Talha left in search of sustenance. Soon his son died without Abu Talha understanding it. He advised Umm Sulaym to the people of his house not to inform Abu Talhah about the death of his son.


When Abu Talha finished his work, he prayed the 'Isha' Mosque in the mosque, went home and found Umm Sulaym certainly prepared food for him and made more ornaments on him than he adorned himself.


When she asked him about the child's condition, he gave her the information that it was better than it was. Then Umm Sulaym introduced the 'Isha' Prayer. Abu Talha ate until he was full, and fell asleep on top of them.


When they awoke he said to Umm Sulaym to tell Abu Talha about his neighbor's action against them: O Abu Talha, the neighbor has borrowed a loan, when he was asked to repay, he was offended and restrained himself from repaying. Has he done something wrong and can he defend himself?


Abu Talha was amazed: He has no excuse for that and what a bad thing about abstinence!


Umm Sulaym said: Surely it was for your son to borrow something from Allaah and return it (it is right), if you do (subra) then it will come back.


Umm Sulaym went on to say: Surely we all rely on Allaah and to Him we will return.



Abu Talha went to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and narrated to him what Umm Sulaym had done.



The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to Abu Talha:  ((May Allaah bless you in your night))


The supplication was answered and she became pregnant with Umm Sulaym and then gave birth to a son. He ordered his son Anas to carry his younger brother to take him to the Prophet of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to open his throat and give him a name.


He walked towards Anas and his brother with a date. When he saw the  Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) coming he said to Anas: ((Do you have a date with you?)) Anas said to the Prophet "yes". He picked up the date palm while reciting the du'aa 'and softened it by chewing it. Then she opened the baby's mouth and fed him some of the dates. She began to lick the sweetness in her two lips. The Messenger of Allaah said: ((They have denied the Answaar on the will of the date)) Then he called him 'Abdullaah.  Anas returned him to his mother.



Said the child: Tell me the truth about the jihad of each other between these two people, they are married to the best companions. and how was their generosity?



I said: With all the happiness, my son, they had the conduct of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to the family of Abu Talha who was very strong. He certainly used Abu Talha's sword effectively in protecting the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) as he set aside his possessions for the preparation of war and to emphasize the needs of the Muslims. And it was Abu Talha who was expecting it for the pleasure of his Rabb and His Nabiy (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam).


He certainly had a large garden filled with heavy trees and different kinds of fruit. One day he was praying in the garden and he saw a bird singing on a tree, it was a different color. Impressed by looking at him with the intensity of his beauty, it occupied Abu Talha's mind until he could not remember how many units he had been able to pray.


When he finished his prayer he ran to the Prophet of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and told him about what had happened to him, and how he was able to keep a good bird in his prayer.


Then he said: Witness me, O Messenger of Allaah, verily I have made my garden a swadaqah for Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aalaa) and do what you want.


Surely the example of this given thing is good, it is not possible for this act except for one who has true love for his Rabb and his Nabiy (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam), by making sure that before Allaah there is khayr and it remains.


As for Jihad, Abu Talha certainly reached the forefront in the battle of Uhud. This is a war in which the Islamic archers went against the command of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), left their places and wanted to pick up and plunder the spoils that were spreading on the battlefield. In fact, it was necessary to change the direction of victory in the interest of the polytheists instead of in the interest of the Muslims. The Muslims fled when one of the polytheists spread that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had been killed.


And it was the head of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) that was torn, his jaws broken and his lips bruised. Blood began to flow to the noble, and he was surrounded in front of him by a group of noble Companions (Radhwiya Allaahu 'Anhum) like bracelets around a hand. Not only that, but they have drawn their swords, surrounded him and pierced their chests without passing one of the polytheists among them.


And he was not far behind, for Abu Talha was one of those who set up a fort for Nabiy that day. Abu Talha began shooting at the polytheists with countless arrows.


Abu Talha said the following words to him when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) wanted to lift himself from the place where he was sitting, to see where the arrows fell: To my father and my mother, O Nabiy, Allaah is your ransom.


Immediately he entered their home one of the Muslims saying that the polytheists were fleeing. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to him:  ((Draw your arrow between the hands of Abu Talha and do not pass (the arrow) as they run away))


Abu Talha continued to hang and protect him from the Messenger of Allaah until he broke the three bows. And he killed a large number of the enemies of Allaah and the enemies against one Diyn, reaching its number of twenty (20) people.


When the day of the battle of Hunayn came, the noble couple and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) went out for Jihad against the polytheists. And it was Umm Sulaym on Abu Talha's camel, when he saw the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). for you they killed those who sought to kill you. Messenger of Allah said:  ((Akutosheleze Allaah, O Umm Sulaym))


Indeed Umm Sulaym was a general ready for battle. For in the battle of Hunayn, Abu Talha saw him with something in his hands, and asked him: What is this that you have, O Umm Sulaym.


Umm Sulaym said: The plan I have taken with me, when he approaches one of the polytheists I will burn his stomach.


Abu Talha said: Do you not hear what the Messenger of Allaah said?


Said Jubayr bin Mutwghama: Verily I saw before the defeat of the people (i.e. the polytheists) while the people were fighting the image of a large black robe, stretched from heaven until it fell between us and between the people. I looked at it and saw as if (those warriors) were black worms scattered and scattered in the desert. So I doubted that they were angels, and they were not angels except the failure of men.


Said Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala):   


نصركم Allaahu في مواطن لقد كثيرة  ويوم حنين  إذ أعجبتكم كثرتكم فلم تغن عنكم شيئا وضاقت عليكم بما رحبت الأرض ثم وليتم مدبرين )25(

25. Surely Allah has helped you in many places, and on the day of (the battle of) Hunayn (also); when you pleased your abundance (proudly), but it did not profit you at all; and the earth became distressed over you in its breadth, and you turned and fled.



أنزل Allaahu سكينته على ثم رسوله وعلى المؤمنين وأنزل جنودا الذين لم تروها وعذب كفروا  وذلك جزاء الكافرين )26(

26. Then Allaah sent down His tranquility to His Messenger and to the believers, and He sent down armies (of angels) which you did not see; and He punished those who disbelieved. And that is the abode of the disbelievers.


Allaahu يتوب بعد من ثم على من ذلك يشاء  والله غفور رحيم )27(

27. Then Allaah receives the tawbah after that from whomever He wills. And Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.    [At-Tawbah: 25-27]


He also extended His Messenger to Allaah by (sending down the armies of) the Angels and victory came to the Muslims. They defeated the disbelievers, all thanks be to Allaah Rabb of all creation.



The child said: O father, let me tell you more about the virtues of Umm Sulaym. 



I said: Umm Sulaym preserved the hadiths which he heard from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Then he narrated, and he had taken from him a number of hadiths and some of the Companions have narrated from him.


The total recipients who narrated through him are: his son - Anas bin Maalik, 'AbduLlaah bin Abbaas, Ghamra bin Ghaaswim Answaari, Zubayr bin Thaabit,' Abdur-Rahmaan bin 'Awf. These are the bounties of Allaah, He gives them what He wills.


He has received Ghatwaa from Umm Sulaym Al-Answaariy: Said the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to ask Umm Sulaym:  ((Why did Umm Sulaym not come for pilgrimage with us this year?))  He said Umm Sulaym: O Nabiy there was a husband mine there are two people, either one has made a pilgrimage on it, or another has left him staring at him with palms on it. He said:  ((When it is Ramadhwaan or the month of Swawm, perform 'Umrah in it, for surely' Umrah is a symbol of Hajj, or it replaces Hajj))


He remained Umm Sulaym cutting the days of his life between fasting and standing and fighting for the sake of Allaah until it reached him and cut off his taste and parted with his relatives. He slept in the protection of Allaah, in which no one can have mercy on His servants equally.


Abu Talha lived until he met the period of the caliphate of the two lights - 'Uthmaan bin' Affaan (Radhwiya Allaahu 'Anhu). He asked Abu Talha to leave with the navy prepared by 'Uthmaan (Radhwiya Allaahu' Anhu). Abu Talha was able to advance with his sword.


His sons said to him, "Let us go instead of you, for you are now at rest."


While they were in the middle of the sea he became ill and Abu Talha died. He became one of the deceased Companions who sought a burial place for seven days. They finally found the island. And he was covered as if he were asleep, and he did not change anything.


May Allaah have mercy on Abu Talha and Umm Sulaym and gather the two of them before Him as bright and cheerful.


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